
2021/01/27 15:01:32




      阅读大赛赛题由四个模块组成,分别是Read and Know、Read and Reason、Read and Question和Read and Create。前三个模块为客观题型(单选题),题点主要包括:文本来源、最佳标题、主旨大意、作者意图或态度、词义推断、句意理解、细节推断、文本填空等。



       在2020阅读决赛中,选手们客观题作答的整体表现不俗:在主旨大意(main idea)、最佳标题(best title)、表述判断(True/False)、文本填空(filling in the blank)、词义推断和图表类题目的正答率较高,大部分题目在70%以上,可见选手们具备良好的段落大意理解能力、细节定位和推断能力以及图表分析能力。

        此外,Read and Question模块的第39、40题考查选手的跨语篇分析能力,需要选手根据同一话题下不同角度的三篇长文本进行信息整合和对比。在此类题目中,选手们也有不错的表现,正答率约73%。来感受一下跨语篇题目的提问方式 ⬇

39. What has been mentioned in both Passage A and Passage C?

40. Which of the following is true concerning the three passages?



  • 作者匹配题

       对于第1-3题的作者匹配题,选手表现稍弱,整体正答率在53%左右。建议大家平时可以多多积累一些文学常识,掌握著名作家、思想家、科学家、政治家等不同领域人物的主要事迹、作品及思想。譬如今年决赛涉及了五位作家——James Joyce、Thomas Hardy、Henry James、Emily Brontë、Edith Wharton,大家可以尝试了解他们的作品风格以及著名作品的梗概、重要影响等。

  • 逻辑题型



In the 1860s, the British government contracted with ship captains regarding the transportation of some of its prisoners to Australia. Unfortunately, the survival rate of the prisoners shipped to Australia was only 40%. Humanitarian groups, the church, and governmental agencies appealed to the captains on moral grounds to improve the survival rate with more decent treatment. Despite these appeals, the survival rate remained at 40%. Nothing changed until a few years later, when the survival rate of the prisoners increased to over 98%.

Q: Which of the following, if true, is the weakest evidence for the increase in the survival rate of the prisoners?

A. The government imposed a fine on the captains for the low survival rate of the prisoners. 

B. The government raised funds to provide better food and sanitation for the prisoners.

C. The government paid the captains a fee for every living prisoner who got off the ship.

D. The government reduced the number of prisoners who were packed onto the ships.










Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Hurricane Center does not control the naming of tropical storms. Instead, there is a strict procedure established by the World Meteorological Organization. ① In the event that more than twenty-one named tropical cyclones occur in a season, any additional storms will take names from the Greek alphabet. ② For Atlantic hurricanes, there is a list of male and female names which are used on a six-year rotation. ③ The only time that there is a change is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name on a different storm would be inappropriate.  


Q: What is the right order of the numbered sentences?

A. ③②①   B. ②①③   C. ③①②   D.②③①


解析:该文本是对热带风暴命名方式的介绍。文中提到,命名流程是由世界气象组织建立的,那么接下来应围绕的主题是这里的strict procedure。不难发现②是对命名规则的整体介绍,即男性和女性名字每六年循环使用,与前文联系更为紧密;而①描述了当同一季节热带气旋命名超过21个时,之后的风暴名字将会采用希腊字母;③则是描述特殊情况,即当某个风暴造成巨大伤害时,才会改变以上原则。显然,这里的change是针对②的six-year rotation来说的,因此③与②更贴合,答案为D。




  • 考前多加训练自己的阅读能力,关注当年的热点话题,多阅读CNN、BBC、National Geographic、The Economist等权威来源的文章。

  • 除必备的篇章阅读能力外,适当积累文学和逻辑常识。

  • 做题时,仔细体会选项与原文表述之间的差别,注意常见“陷阱”。


     以上就是2020“外研社·国才杯”阅读决赛客观题的综合情况啦!如果大家还想回顾第四模块主观题Read and Create的解析,可点 2020“外研社·国才杯”阅读决赛主观题专家评析 查看。祝大家2021年勤于阅读,学有所得!