In this world, on this planet, stands China, a great nation of We the Chinese, a great people of Chineseness, and great stories of Eastern wisdom.
外国友人眼中的中国故事有何独特魅力?本周送上2021“外研社·国才杯”演讲大赛全国亚军墨西哥在华留学生Arriaga Gomez Francisco的精彩演讲,且看外籍选手如何理解“Chineseness”!
Arriaga Gomez Francisco
关键词:An Ambassador of Chineseness
After receiving the topic for the speech, the first step we would take, as per our habit, is to watch the video again once or twice in case we miss important information or we could find more clues that would help us to better shape the speech. After that, we would do a brainstorm to collect ideas and then do an elimination process from the less ideal to the best. In the case of the topic "Chineseness", we went through a lot of important characters in Chinese history such as Confucius, Mengzi, Zhuangzi, Laozi, and other relevant characters such as Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang all the way to modern writers such as Lu Xun or Xu Zhimo, we reviewed some of their accounts.
But when examining those stories under the light of Chineseness there was a value that always stood out to me, and that is humility. I wanted to use as a primary story in my speech the account about Confucius being corrected by a fisherman and he humbly accepting the correction. However, that is when I thought of President Xi, he has always shown humility, and I remembered a special occasion when for the international public that was evident, the visit he did to the Zamora family in Costa Rica. Having that story as a frame then we proceeded to give stricture to the speech and also look for other instances where humility was portrayed or was highlighted in Chinese history or wisdom, and we agreed to use the famous quote "keep your eyes on the stars, but your feet on the ground". With all of those elements in mind I proceeded to structure my speech around the concept of humility and at the same time looking for a way to say something meaningful taking into account the importance of the platform I was going to speak on, so I worked on the introduction and conclusion so both could be meaningful, particularly, when one of the requirements was to talk about wisdom. The story was the main part but I also made sure I could make clear the two requirements in the question so I numbered them, number one the value indicating Chineseness and number two the wisdom that comes from the story.
Finally, I was ready to give the speech of my life.
用一个故事展现中国几千年来形成的Chineseness, 这对来自墨西哥的33号选手Arriaga Gomez Francisco来说无疑是个挑战,但他做到了,而且还是当之无愧的“good storyteller”,其演讲特色明显:
humility作为shared quality as humans,演讲者也可从深度上进一步挖掘,如通过比较和对比来解释说明其特有的“中国属性”。
当看到其演讲关键词“An ambassador of Chinesesness”时,听众对“ambassador”一词是有认知期待和听众思维的。当听到ambassador指的是习主席时,听众更期待演讲者能进一步解释习主席作为ambassador的作用,以及是如何让全世界对中国的humility有更深刻的了解。这样可能会进一步升华关键词的含义,同时满足听众的期待。