
2021/12/22 09:33:20



Write a story based on the Chinese fable Three Monks. You could stay with the original theme or create a different one. Choose a title for your composition and write between 600 and 800 words.




田朝霞教授  南京师范大学



     2021“外研社·国才杯”全国英语写作决赛的记叙文题目要求选手以《三个和尚》(Three Monks为题写一篇故事,故事可沿袭传统主题,亦可出新。《三个和尚》是中国孩子从小熟知的故事:一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃!以轻松幽默的艺术形式呈现给受众简洁的故事场景,常使人捧腹大笑,但笑过之后又会不由自主地回味其中蕴含的道理。






孔梓君 广州大学







Three Monks in the New Era

"We are running out of water!" shouted monk Tall from the distant corner of the backyard, where the well and the water tank was located.

Monk Short and Monk Fat were indulged in the fascinating game they had just discovered on their newly bought tablet when the shout of Monk Tall burst out. However, they seemed not to have heard or to be interrupted at all, still staring at the screen for the next move in the chess game.

"Oh come on! You are not playing the tablet behind the back of our master again!" Monk Tall entered the temple to see if Short and Fat had any idea, only to find that they were immersed in the tablet once again. Ever since their master introduced this high-tech gadget to them three, Short and Fat have been addicted to the dazzling games and information in it. However hard the master had emphasized the ban on using it during their daily practice, they seemed to have turned a deaf ear to the instructions, pretending to follow the rules when the master was around and tossing themselves straight into the wonderland of the internet whenever chances arrived. Monk Tall was the most disciplined of the three, well controlling the temptation of the fancy tool, and sticking strict to the daily practices just as before. Yet he did sometimes wonder what was so intriguing about the tablet that had poisoned his two mates so much. Having tried to figure out a solution to save Short and Fat from the potentially malignant crisis, Tall found this empty water tank a perfect opportunity.

"Remember the last time you were caught by the master playing this gadget? You were punished to stand and reflect for 3 hours in the strong sunlight! It is true that our master had went on a trip for a week, however, that is not an excuse for you to breach his trust!" Tall tried to talk them over.

"Don't be ridiculous, Tall, no one will ever know unless you leak our secret! You are on our side, aren't you?" replied Short eventually, "Come and join us. The game is super fun!"

Desperate to convince them with shallow words as he had tried thousands of times, Tall thought of the drying well, "We are running out of water."

"Place it here. It was a reckless move! Yeah...what did you say again?" inquired Fat half-heartedly while watching Short playing the game in the final round.

"For one last time: WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER.” yelled Tall, almost hysterically.

Taken aback and obviously startled, Short and Fat finally raised their heads from the tablet. Having pressed the "stop" button, Short looked at Tall's solemn and serious face, as if not quite sure what meaning the words implied, "Then…you know, get some water." He finally squeezed out some words.

"The well is dry and the water tank is empty. There are still days to count until our master comes back. A large amount of water is required. We need to fetch some water from the nearby river down the hills. You all need to come with me."

"There must be some other solutions! Imagine how many times we need to come back and forth to fill such a large tank! I'm not coming." exclaimed Fat, who resented exercise from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, we can figure out a better solution." commented Short," Oh I know! We can order a tank of water online! Let's do it!"

Almost instantly, Fat and Short started to search the desirable items that matched their needs on a famous online shopping website, leaving Tall standing in stark shock searching for words to say, only to find himself speechless. Never had he ever thought of such a scenario. It seemed as if the smart tablet really contained an entire world in its little body, absorbing more and more people in the trap in disguise.

Before he even realized, Short and Fat had completed the deal," Done! Head back to our game! Wanna join us, Tall? I promise it will be super fun!"

Not with the slightest interest in the game, Tall replied," No…But can I see how the deal is made online?"

"Of course!"

After a warm welcome, Fat and Short began to introduce the amazing power of online shopping step by step to Tall. Within less than 5 minutes, Tall had had a almost complete understanding of the online shopping world. Now that the door to a brand-new world had been opened, he yearned to know more, thus asking for more guidance from Fat and Short, who, of course, were more than delighted to lead their beloved mate to the magical wonderland.

"Error: your deal of a tank of water has just been cancelled due to shortage of supply. Please check for more information." a message popped up on the screen, but swiped away instantly by Tall.

"What a wonderful world here…" murmured Monk Tall.

(为真实展示选手赛场上的写作风貌,文章为从iTEST 智能测评云平台中摘出的原生作品,仅供学习分享使用。)




首先,同是三个和尚的故事,本文全然没有“不愿吃亏”或“团队不合作”等原型内容,在众多的翻版老故事中脱颖而出,让人感觉作者jumped out of the box,是“似是而非”的三个和尚的故事。有新意!


最后,结尾点题巧妙。在倒数第二段,屏幕上出现“水源不足,无法供货”的提示,但已开始沉迷网络的高和尚立即将信息切走,因此读者可以确定:故事的结局仍是三个和尚“没水吃”,看似已远离“三个和尚”的故事,在这里又回扣主题。老故事里,“三个和尚”由于我们熟知的原因导致没水吃;新故事里,“Three Monks in the New Era”因为沉迷网络和游戏,最终也没水吃——这又是“似非而是”的三个和尚的故事。新故事和老故事一样,未直接陈述原因,只是呈现“三个和尚没水吃”的场景,给读者留下探求原因的空间。







第二个不足之处在于语言使用,除个别的语法问题,这里特别提醒标点符号的规范使用。当直接引语之后跟了a reporting phrase时,引号内部虽是完整句子,英语中仍然要使用逗号而非句号,这点与汉语不同。例如,"For one last time: WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER,” yelled Tall, almost hysterically. 这句话引号内WATER之后应该使用逗号。
